Touch me, touch me, touch me Pt 2.

A couple of weeks ago I got stymied by misbehaving TouchCapacitance with the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express.

There are a small handful of videos out on youtube where people have been playing with this feature – all with slightly different code approaches- but none of them seemed to have the “wrong input” problem I was having.  I thought maybe my else was just still too long but found examples that pretty much matched what I did and were working in their video.

And then, at 3:30 into this video on using CircuitPython to do a touch capacitance piano,  the host hit on the issue of false inputs.  ta-dah!  Seems like just keeping the wires straight was going to be the answer.  I got out a clipboard and did the layout on a wider surface and sure enough, with no wires touching ( even though they are insulated wires) everything plays lovely.

I got out some paper to start sketching out a new layout and design with this in mind…  but then got interrupted by Dave’s brainstorm and need for collaboration on glowing glass necklaces…

I have an ultimate goal to be able to use this for a much larger art install project so I will come back to this smaller version in a week or two to test and learn more about the touch surfaces..

to be continued…….

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