Sunday Slices: Bruneau Jasper

David created this gorgeous Bruneau Jasper Cab this weekend and inspired me to explore some Bruneau Jasper, from rough rock to finished Cab. Bruneau is a type of Picture Jasper, so we explore a few of those as well. I am always happy to spend a few minutes on a Sunday Morning Exploring some rocks with you.

Comment and let me know what kinds of rocks you are interested in seeing in future episodes of Sunday Slices.

Interested in acquiring some slices for your own lapidary work? We will be selling Slices in a livestream on Sunday Sept 20 from 2-5pm EST as part of the Not Denver Online Rock Show here: Jump over and check out the group and join for the sale.

All slices and cabs you see in our online media are available for custom orders. Contact Us with questions and requests.


Want some Picture Jaspers of your own? Check out these items in the store: